What People Say About Julie Ann Rose
“I love Julie Ann Rose’s heart, and her desire to see hearts restored in the love of God. I think she brings a compassion, understanding, and experience to these issues that women really need.” John Eldredge, Author and Founder/President of Ransomed Heart Ministries |
“ Julie Ann Rose’s story is filled with more pain than I can imagine, but at the same time it breathes redemption like few stories I’ve encountered her story explains how God uses all his people to bring us into the depths of Christ’s love. Read it. I believe it will help you, as it did me, to understand true healing at a whole new level.” John H. Armstrong, Author of Your Church Is Too Small |
“Julie Ann Rose is an exemplary person of integrity who consistently demonstrates mature fruit of the Holy Spirit and faithful Christian character in all she is and in all she does. Julie possesses one of the most phenomenal testimonies of Christian redemption one will ever hear about and strives to continuously live out that transformational miracle in her relationships both personally and professionally. As we all know, we can’t have a testimony without first going through some tests. Most impressively, she has passed some of the most difficult and painful tests life has to offer with proverbial flying colors. Consequently, Julie has been determined to glorify God in both her personal and professional life. Her ministry to hurting people has been one which I have watched with admiration and support. Several years ago, I had Julie come and train my 20-person clinical staff at Focus on the Family. Her work was outstanding and my entire team was impressed with Julie both Christianly and clinically. Her heart of compassion for the hurting, insight for their painful dynamics and hope for their hearts to be healed is most impressive, refreshing and therapeutic. Furthermore, Julie is simply the best net-worker I have ever seen. Her ability to connect people, ministries and organizations with one another with deftness and diplomacy is absolutely amazing. I am fully confident she will excel in whatever clinical, administrative and/or promotional opportunities you challenge her with due to her many capable gifts and talents. She will serve with distinction, humility and grace.” Jared Pingleton, PSY.D., Vice President of Professional Development, AACC |
“Many leaders tell us how we should grow, change, and become more Christ like. Very few show us how to do it by the example of their own lives. Julie Ann Rose does that and more in A Wildflower Grows in Brooklyn. It is honest, grace-filled, and exemplary of how God heals and changes us. You will be touched by his grace when you read this vulnerable account of how Jesus brought wholeness to a damaged life.” Alfred H. Ells, Executive Director, Leaders That Last Ministries |
“ Julie Ann Rose has been consumed, refined, saved and delivered by Love. Her passion for Jesus is inspiring and contagious. She has been forgiven much, as all Christians have, and she loves much, as we all should. Her book will inspire you to do so and receive His love.” Allan E. Parker, Attorney at Law and President of The Justice Foundation |
“‘Deep cries out to deep’ as the psalmist says. Julie Ann Rose knows that cry and has responded whole heartedly. She speaks from that deep soul-place where Jesus has met her and she has experienced his healing presence. These devotions will help you enter into that same place where Jesus can bring hope and healing to your heart, soul, and mind. Enter in slowly, meditatively, and prayerfully and you will experience how ‘deep cries out to deep.’” Christopher West, Founder/President, The Cor Project Senior Lecturer, Theology of the Body Institute Author of Fill These Hearts: God, Sex, & the Universal Longing |
“Julie’s story is a powerful testimony to the healing and redeeming work of God. Rather than being bound by shame and guilt, she shares her journey with honesty and courage.” Dr. Tim Clinton, President, AACC |
“With candor unprecedented in a spiritual memoir Julie Ann Rose offers an account of grace so haunting in the lyric of its truth that it takes the breath away. Anyone interested in the mystery of the Christian God who heals the wounds of his beloved will find Rose’spainful, beautiful prose indispensable reading.” Charles Zeiders, Psy.D., Clinical Psychologist and author of The Clinical Christ |
“As a psychiatrist, I have helped many hundreds of women AND men to recover from the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse. I have seen the pain, the feelings of powerlessness, the fear of intimacy issues, the loss of control issues, and the many symptoms of depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress. I have also been thrilled to see the love and joy in their lives after they work through the abuse adequately. That is why I am absolutely thrilled to be a part of “In The Wildflowers”, an accurate, compassionate, and healing national MOVEMENT, not just a series. I highly recommend this curriculum primarily for victims of sexual abuse, but also for the therapists, family members and other loved ones who want to be better equipped to become a part of the healing process of these daughters and sons of God.” Paul Meier,M.D., Author of more than 80 books Founder of the national chain of non-profit, Meier Clinics, www.paulmeiermd.com |
“These highly personal devotional writings of Julie Ann Rose come from a quietly bubbling, potent and beautiful fountain – one fed by three streams deep within her heart and mind. One stream consists of her terribly painful memories of childhood abuse: verbal, physical, sexual, and emotional. These ugly memories no longer torment Julie, but they cannot be easily erased. A second stream flows from her intimate life in God. Because she has come to know, by long experience, the remarkable love and healing power of her Lord and Savior, she enjoys a closeness with God that overpowers her and fills her daily with childlike trust and joy. A third stream that continually feeds the life-giving fountain that is Julie Ann Rose is an unquenchable compassion for hurting people. Because Julie has come from a place of extremely deep hurt that once led her to the very brink of suicide, she engages in a relentless, Christ-focused pursuit of healing and restoration for those shattered and nearly destroyed by the crushing blows of life. She is for sure a wounded healer of many – one who relies totally on her heavenly Father for daily grace and direction. I definitely recommend these readings – intended to be read meditatively – from this strong and transparent woman of God whom I have been privileged to know and support in ministry for over a quarter century.” Dr. Robert V. Rakestraw, Professor of Theology Emeritus Bethel Seminary, St. Paul, MN Author, Editor and Founder/Director of Grace Quest Ministries |